Monthly Meeting Date: Monday, August 23, 2021
Virtual Doors Open @ 7 PM EDT; Meeting Time @ 7:30 PM in Zoom Meeting Room
LCAA Members Attend for Free; Non-Members $10; Yearly Membership $30
The webinar link will be sent to all current members prior to the meeting.
Adult Story Hour: Fairy Tales Through The Zodiac
Get ready to get out your popcorn and your blanket and
your slippers and curl up on the couch. We're going to
have an Adult Bedtime Story Hour and stroll through a
Fairy Tale Forest to learn about the 12 zodiac signs and
the planets using the classic fairy tales. Who in our group
is Goldilocks? Pinocchio? Cinderella?
Join Us Monday, August 23rd and Find Out!
I'm a Peter Pan, Snow White , King Midas . You'll find out what that trans late s when I present Adult Story Hour: Fairy Tales Through the Zodiac for L.C.A.A.’s Monday Night Meeting.
I've been bopping around WRAC, MAC, SOTA AND GLAC confe rence s for ove r 35 years and was a speaker at the last two so I'm not new to astrology. I was a metaphysical book store owner for 10 years . A newspaper reporter, then editor, for 12. I've written a book- OPENING YOUR COSMIC TOOLBOX. I've learned a lot of things in my life . Mas te ring compute rs is not one of them. Juliet Stephenson did all the graphics for this upcoming presentation. -Judy