The Exciting Eclipses of 2022
A new series of eclipses is upon us! Let’s ground our understanding of this series by exploring the rich symbolism of the Taurus-Scorpio polarity. From there, we will muse over the charts of the upcoming
eclipses of 2022. Indeed, we have some interesting charts to consider!
Monthly Meeting: Monday, February 28, 2022
*Please Note the updated Time Change in 2022- we will be beginning the meeting a half hour earlier (at 7PM) because the Willoughby Hills Community Center Closes at 9 PM
Catherine Urban (NCGR-PAA IV, ISAR-CAP) is the author of Your Astrological Cookbook: The Perfect Recipe for Every Sign. She maintains a growing consultation practice, teaches predictive and foundational courses in astrology,and writes for NCGR’s Member letter. Catherine is also a mama, astro-mage and horary practitioner. Connect with Catherine on all platforms @astrocatherine
