2022 Astrological Desk Calendars Are Now Available! Great For Planning Ahead all Year with Astrological Insight - and/or a Great Gift for your Metaphysical Friends. A complete astrological overview of the year at a glance, highlighting significant alignments, retrogrades, eclipses and more! Also includes general descriptions of what you might expect from significant events, and key dates and degrees to watch all year. This year, the new back side includes 2022 planetary motions, phases of the moon and eclipses, plus descriptive overviews of signs of the zodiac, planets and moon cycles. The laminated 17”x11” calendar is a great reference tool for learning step-by-step what the year has in-store — as well as a handy guide for readings, and planning or scheduling important events all year. I

f you are interested in ordering one, order one on home page. The 2-sided desk calendars are $30 and will be printed, laminated and delivered to your door via Staples Print Center or a local print center of your choice. (Delivery is included). As of today, the estimated delivery is scheduled for Dec. 29th - 31st.