Lake County Astrological Association
Encouraging and Promoting the Science and Art of Astrology

Diane Trimbath,
NCGR-PAA-Level 4
Diane holds a Level IV Certification through the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR) and is a practicing Astrologer in Cleveland, OH.
She has been teaching ‘An Astrological Look Ahead Series’ locally and virtually since 2017 and has been an invited speaker for local and national astrological conference events.
Diane holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Kent State University and has been the founder and Creative Director of a successful Graphic Design firm for over 30 years.
Olga Rozzell,
Vice President
Olga is a graduate of the International Academy of Astrology (IAA) and holds a certification from the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR). She worked as Education Director and instructor at IAA. She holds a Ph.D. degree in Cell Biology and is a Professor at the Cleveland Clinic, where she leads a research laboratory.

Brenda Steele,
Membership Director
Brenda has been involved with Astrology since the late 1960s! She is Virgo sun, Libra moon, and Scorpio rising. I has been a member of LCAA over 10 years and served as Secretary in 2014.
Cyndy Ramey,
Cyndy started studying Astrology in 2010 through Chemam and enjoys studying through various teachers. She has been an LCAA member for 7 years.
Cyndy a CPA employed by BHGP&S Co Inc in Beachwood since 1989. She has a B.A. from Notre Dame College.

Angie Agnoni, Dipl. IAA,
Angie Agnoni is a 2017 graduate from The International Academy of Astrology and has been an active member of LCAA since 2010. She is a consulting and teaching astrologer who has a sun in Aquarius and a moon in Sagittarius rising.
Nancy Zoller